Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chapter 10
1. Why does Peeta reveal his love for Katniss? Do you think he really loves her? Why or why not?
peeta relieves his love for katniss so that he make katniss look desirable. i think that he likes her. i don't know why i think that but hes been asking allot of Q's about her. like about her and gale and do they have a relationship.
2. What is Peeta’s main concern during the hunger games?
peeta just wants to die he just doesn't want to kill anybody until he finds the right time.
3. How does the Capitol view the previous arenas of the hunger games? How many games have there been?
they have hidden cameras every where. there has been 74 games.
4. What do you feel is the purpose of the hunger games?
i think the purpose for the hunger games is just for entertainment they have nothing else make and for survival.
"i realize, me! he means me! i press my lips together and stare at the floor, hoping this will conceal the emotions starting to boil up inside of me."pg.133
"when the gong sound, get the hell out of there"pg.138
"no when the time comes, I'm sure I'll kill just like everybody else. "i cant go down without a fight."pg.142
"...let the seventy-fourth hunger games begin!"pg 147
triubte trials
in the game i lost :)
i got 89%

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Chapter 9
1. Describe Katniss’ interview attire and training? What affect do you think it had on the audience?
katniss' attire was a dress entirely covered in precious gems, red, yellow, and white with bits of blue. katniss' training was tough because haymitch didn't know how to describe katniss even though he asked her fifty questions.the affect that i think that affected the audience was that katniss didn't know what to say.katinss was really nervous and was stage frightened.
2. How does Haymitch and Cinna ask Katniss to behave?
Haymitch tells Katniss to lie. Cinna tells Katniss to be herself and try to tell the truth.Cinna tells katniss even though if the truth is horrible just try it.
3. What do we discover about Peeta during his interview?
what we discover in Peeta's interview is that he likes katniss. he has liked her ever since he can remember.
Important Quotes
"right after the parade onto the stage, haymitch comes up behind Peeta and me and growls, remember ,you're still a happy pair. so act like it." pg.123
"and then they're calling Katniss Everdeen,and i feel myself, as if a dream, standing and making my way center stage."pg.127
"but I'm pretty sure she didn't know i was alive until the reaping."pg.130
"because... because... she came here with me."pg.130

Friday, September 24, 2010

Chapter 8
1. What do the scores in the trainings mean to the tributes? What scores do Peeta and Katniss receive?
the scores in the training gives the tributes sponsors.Peeta's score was 8, but Katniss's score was 11 :o.

2. How did Katniss and Gale meet? Describe their story.
katniss and gale meet in the woods he had just lost his father the same blast that killed katniss's father. gale thought that katniss was gonna steal one his rabbits he had trapped but she wasn't trying to steal it she was just seeing how he setup the snare. katniss told gale that she will get him a bow if he had something to trade with her she wanted to learn how to set up a snare.they shared their knowledge. later,they became hunting partners without telling each other.they divided the work and spoils, they made sure that both of their families had food to eat. 

*important quotes*
"eleven!........that must be a can that happened?"pg.108
"i had been struggling along on my own for about six months when i first ran into gale in the woods."pg.109
"he'd lost his father the same blast that killed mine."pg.110
"haymitch shrugs. peeta ha asked to be coached separately."pg.113

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chapter 7
1. What are the pros and cons of Peeta and Katniss being coached together?
the pro's are that you will know the others persons secret skill and strength so you know how your gonna have to kill that person. the cons for being coached together are that you'll have to get coached at the same speed even though if their better than one another.
2. What reasons does Peeta give for thinking Katniss will be better than him in the arena?
the reason that peeta thinks that katniss will be better in the arena is because he knows that katniss is good at the bow and arrow.katniss is very good at the bow and arrow, she's been hunting for years. but gale doesn't really have any experience with hunting or surviving.
3. What are Career Tributes and how are they a threat?
the career tributes are were they project arrogance and royalty.they are a threat cuz they make them do do a lot of skills and training exercises.
4. What does Katniss do to get the Gamemakers' attention?
she got the game makers attention by throwing an arrow and sending it strait to the game makers table . the arrow skewers the apple in the pigs mouth and it pins it to the wall.well katniss their gets their attention but she leaves without anyones dismissal .
Important Quotes
"....maybe district 12 will have a winner. then i realize ,he didn't mean me ,she meant you ! bursts out peeta."pg.90
"i sit on my bed ,hating haymitch ,hating peeta ,hating myself for mentioning that day long ago in the rain."pg.92
"but that didn't mean i wanted to do everything with peeta . who by the way , clearly doesn't want to be partnering up with me ,either"pg.92
"its weird, how much he's noticed me. like the attention he paid to my hunting. and apparently , i have not been as oblivious to him as i imagined ,either."pg.93
chapter 6
1. What is an Avox? How does Katniss know the Avox?
an Avox is someone who has committed a crime. katniss doesn't really know the avox but she knows that she has a some bad memory associated with her. katniss tries to remember until Peeta says that she looks a lot like this girl named Kelly Cartwright. kelly is this girl who may be the most friendliest person on the planet they know her from school. kelly always says hi to everybody in her school. kelly looks like the avox excepts she's has yellow hair and the avox has red hair and also their something about her eyes to that look familiar peeta says.
2. What prevents tributes from jumping off the roof? Why do you think this is in place?
what prevents the tributes from jumping off the roof is this electric field that throws you back into the the roof .i this is in place so that the tributes will kill themselves before the hunger games start.
3. What reasons would Peeta have for being curious about Gale?
the reason that peeta might have with gale is that maybe that he might like katniss. maybe peeta is asking those questions to know if katniss likes gale .he wants to know more about katniss and gale and thier relationship with each other (what a stocker).
Important Quotes
"i say, up looking up at the girl."that's the last thing I wa-oh!i know you you."pg.77
"there's a sharp zap and he jerks it back. some kind of electric field that throws you back on the roof"pg...81
"....for a moment to accept both his jacket and his kindness . a friend will do that right?"pg.83
"i wonder if she'll enjoy watching me die ."pg...85

Friday, September 17, 2010

Chapter 5
1. The presentation of the tributes seems to be greatly focused on visual presentation and looks — what does this reveal about the belief systems of the Capitol?
that all the people in the districts dress up as how their district is or what their known for. all the districts are completely different . district 12 is known for coal miners things. the beliefs system is that all the people going to the hunger games dress up as their district.
2. Compare and contrast life in the Capitol to life in District 12.
that the other districts are different to each other. like district is a chariot pulled by a snow white horse.and district 12 is black mine stuff.
3. What does Cinna ask Katniss and Peeta to do just before they ride out in their chariot? What is the purpose of this gesture?
what Cinna tells him is to hold hands. this gesture is some kind of festival for all the districts. they all have their own chariot and representatives.
4. Why is it so hard for Katniss to trust Peeta's kindness?
it hard to trust peetas kindness cuz maybe he,s just planing to kill katniss . he might just try to nice so that katniss can be easy pray. also because their competing against each other their not try to gonna survive together.
important quotes
"im dressed in what will either be the most sensational or deadliest costume in the opening ceremonies."pg.67
"i think that he said for us to hold hands"pg.69
"don't be so stupid .petta is planing how to kill you , i remind myself."pg.72
"the more likable he is , the more deadliest he is ."pg.72

fisrt grading trimester reflection

What grade do you feel you deserve this 1st trimester in Engkish class?.
I feel the grade that i should deserve in this class is a   B .  I think i desrve ma  B because i mostly dont do good in tests but i do all my work :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Chapter 4
1. Do you think Haymitch will be helpful as a mentor? Why or why not?
i think that haymtch is a good mentor.i think that he's a good a mentor because he has been in the hunger games:o. he knows what to do so he can tell katniss and peeta were to go and were not. or tell them how to survive.
2. What does Katniss mean when she says: “A Kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one”?
what katniss means is that if he's nice to her that katniss will get attached to him and she wont try to kill him. but he might want to kill her:0.
3. What happens to convince Haymitch that Peeta and Katniss might be fighters?
what happens to convince haymitch is that peeta lasses out a glass of water and it slaters on the floor. also katniss brings the knife to the table and barley misses haymitch's fingers.
4. What is the first honest advice that Haymitch gives them?
the 1st honest evidence that haymitch gives katniss is about their stylists and they were gonna think do to them.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

the hunger games ch.3

Chapter 3
1. Who comes to say goodbye to Katniss? List.
  • her mom
  • prim
  • peeta mellark's father
  • madge
  • gale
2. What does Madge give Katniss as a gift? What significance does it have?
madge gives katniss a little gold pin of a bird. the pin is a small golden bird with a ring around it. it a mocking jay. katniss's dad particularly found the mocking jay.
3. What instructions does Katniss leave for her mother?
the instruction that katniss left to her mother that she cant leave. she cant clock out and leave prim alone. that there no more katniss to keep them both alive. also whatever you see on screen fight through it.
4. What act of kindness does Peeta’s dad show to Katniss? How do you think this man might of influenced his son?
he gives katniss some cookies that she can never afford.i think that he might influence peeta by just encouraging him.
5. What advice does Gale give Katniss about surviving the games?
gale told katniss to get a knife cuz their pretty easy to get. also to make a bow cuz thats her best chance cuz she's the best hunter she knows . he says even a weak bow is better than no bow cuz katniss doesnt know how to make one.

Chapter 2
1. How does Katniss save her sister from the reaping? katniss saves her sister by saying "i volunteer as tribute "pg. 12. she volunteered cuz katniss knew that her sister wouldn't survive in the hunger games.people think its unfair when a 12 yr old kids gets chosen to go. no one in "district 12 hasn't had a volunteer in decades"pg.22, until katniss took her sisters place in the reaping.
2. Who is the boy tribute selected? How did he save Katniss life when she was 11?
the boy that was selected in tributes was petta mellark. he saved her live when she wuz 11 because her father had just died and they didn't have any food or money and they were starving to death. she had go look for food she went to many places but she couldn't get any thing. it was to much for her she didn't want to return home she just wanted to die their in the rain. until he came and gave some burned bread.
3. What kind of person do you think Peeta is? What evidence from the book led you to come to this conclusion?
i think that petta is a nice person because he gave katniss bread when she was standing in the rain alone. but the next time she him in school he came with black eye problaly got introble 4 giving the bread to katniss. but katniss never forgot the thing he did to her she'll remember 4 ever.
4. Why does seeing the dandelion after her father's death give Katniss hope?
"the dandelion that reminded me that i was not doomed"pg.32. it gave katniss hope to never give up and keep on trying.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Chapter 1
1. Describe District 12.
district 12 is nick named the seam. it has a fence that divides the district and the forest.the district is not a save place cuz its surrounded by wild animals from the forest. like "venous snakes and rabid animals "pg.5 . the district is poor,but the people have to be happy with what they have.
2. What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing? Why does she need to do this?
the illegal activity that katniss does is hunting.she needs to do it so they can have food to eat. katniss's dad taught her how to hunt.later when her dad died she had to go hunt . she uses her "bow and sheath of arrows from a hollow log"pg.5 to hunt.

3. Describe the relationship between Gale and Katniss. Do you have a relationship like this in your own life? Explain.
4. How is Madge different from Katniss and Gale?
madge is different from katniss and gale cuz shes the mayors daughter of district 12. madge is more wealthy than katniss and gale. she is one of most important person in the district.
5. What is the reaping? Do you think this practice is fair? Explain.
the reaping is when the community gathers in the community square.they put 12-16 yrs old kids are put in the reaping to go to the capital. they go to the capital for the annual hunger gurl and one boy is forced to go to the hunger games.
6. Who is selected at the reaping?
the person who was select at the reaping was primrose everdeeen.