Friday, September 10, 2010

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Chapter 1
1. Describe District 12.
district 12 is nick named the seam. it has a fence that divides the district and the forest.the district is not a save place cuz its surrounded by wild animals from the forest. like "venous snakes and rabid animals "pg.5 . the district is poor,but the people have to be happy with what they have.
2. What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing? Why does she need to do this?
the illegal activity that katniss does is hunting.she needs to do it so they can have food to eat. katniss's dad taught her how to hunt.later when her dad died she had to go hunt . she uses her "bow and sheath of arrows from a hollow log"pg.5 to hunt.

3. Describe the relationship between Gale and Katniss. Do you have a relationship like this in your own life? Explain.
4. How is Madge different from Katniss and Gale?
madge is different from katniss and gale cuz shes the mayors daughter of district 12. madge is more wealthy than katniss and gale. she is one of most important person in the district.
5. What is the reaping? Do you think this practice is fair? Explain.
the reaping is when the community gathers in the community square.they put 12-16 yrs old kids are put in the reaping to go to the capital. they go to the capital for the annual hunger gurl and one boy is forced to go to the hunger games.
6. Who is selected at the reaping?
the person who was select at the reaping was primrose everdeeen.

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