Saturday, October 16, 2010

Chapter 27
1. What goes on during the final interview?
The event that happens in the final interview is that Katniss goes to Peeta and starts kissing him. Caesar taps Peeta so they can continue the show and Peeta just pushes him and keeps on kissing Katniss. They go sit in a small red couch witch is also known as a love seat. Katniss takes of her sandals, tucking herself in and leaning against Peeta's shoulder
2. What happened to Peeta's leg?
They replaced Peeta's leg with some metal plastic device. They had to replace it if not he would've died.
3. Why does Katniss feel torn in the end?
Katniss feels torn in the end because of the interview. In the interview they make her see every tributes death from the games. They show all of the tributes deaths starting through the beginning to the end. Katniss wasn't ready for this she didn't want to see them die a second time the first time was enough.
4. What does Peeta realize?
Peeta realizes that Haymitch has been coaching Katniss but not him. Peeta thinks that its been all an act and that she was pretending to like him. That it was only for the games so they can win. Katniss tells him that she didn't act for all of it in fact she didn't really acted in anything.  Peeta gets mad her and doesn't even want to see anyone cuz he thinks that Katniss doesn't even like him witch broke his heart but he got it all wrong.
Important Quotes 
"He's kissing me and all the time I'm thinking, do you know? do you know how much danger were in?"pg.361
"I'm glad though, because it supports the whole crazy-in-love thing that's my defence for defying the capital, plus it means we wont have as much time to linger over the deaths."pg.362
"I'm the one to be punished."pg.364
"i also want to Tell him how much i already miss him. But that wont be fair in my part"pg.373
"already the boy with the bread is slipping away from me."pg.374

*Chapter 26*
1. How does the Capitol heal Katniss?
The capital heals Katniss by putting several tubes on her right arm that extend to the wall behind her. Katniss scars are less prominent and her left ear can hear again.Katniss' burn in her calf is gone its like if nothing happened to her.
2. What does Haymitch reveal to Katniss before she sees the crowd?
Haymitch reveals to Katniss that the capital is some what furious about her showing them up in the arena. That the one thing that the capital cant stand is being laughed at. now the capital is their the joke of Panem.
*Important Quotes* 
"not only are the scars gone from the arena gone, but those accumulated over years of hunting have vanished without a trace. My forehead feels like satin, and when i try to find the burn in my calf, theirs nothing."pg.351
"...the faces of all the tributes who will never return flash across my mind and theirs a heavy, tight place in my chest."pg.353
"your only defence can be you were so madly in love you weren't responsible for your actions."pg. 357
"and right now, the most dangerous part of the hunger games is about to begin."pg.359

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

*Chapter 25*
1. What attacks the last three tributes?
What attacks the last tributes are wolfs. There the tribute that died and are know wolfs.
2. How does Katniss use her last arrow?
katniss uses her last arrow by shooting it in Cato's skull.
3. What happens when the Gamemakers revoke the rule change?
When Katniss and Peeta find out about the rule change they want to kill each other. Katniss and Peeta want to kill each other at first but later they want to kill themselves. Katniss and Peeta agree to die together so their going eat the poisonous berries.
4. Who wins the Hunger Games?
The tributes who wins the games are Katniss and Peeta !!!!
*Important Quotes*
"the green eyes glowing at me are unlike any dog or wolf, any canine I've ever seen. they are unmistakably human."pg.333
"I'm just turning back to face Cato when Peeta's jerked from my side."pg.335
"i dive forward just catching hold of Peeta as Cato loses his footing on the blood-slick horn and plummets to the ground."pg.336
"if peeta and i were both to die, or they thought we were.."pg.344

*Chapter 24*
1. How do the Gamemakers try to drive the last tributes together?
The gamemakers try to drive the last tributes together by going to the lake. The tribute are gonna go to the lake so they can get water cuz it's really hot
2. How does Katniss feel about Cato?
Katniss feels confident with Cato Katniss thinks that if they tricked Foxface they can also trick Cato. Katniss thinks that Foxface is more harder to get rid of than Cato.
3. How do the final three meet up?
The final three met up in the lake.
*Important Quotes* 
"if they fooled Foxface, maybe they can fool Cato as well."pg.321
"Haymitch has probably just about had it with me. And as for the audience"pg.322
"He hasn't said it, but i don't think Peeta felt good about killing her even though it was essential."pg.324
"then i am stumbling blindly after Cato with no thought of anything but to save myself."pg.330 

Chapter 23
1. Why does Thresh's death affect Katniss?
Thresh death affects katniss emotional. She remembers how he let her go when she told him that her and Rue were Allys. Katniss wanted Thresh to win if they didn't win because he let her go and cuz of Rue. 
2. Who is left in the arena?
the tributes left in the arena are Katniss, Peeta, Cato and Foxface. 
3. What Katniss' fears if she wins the Games?
What Katniss fears when she wins is that would her life be like on daily basses. Katniss doesn't want herself to change or become like Haymitch.
4. What happens to Foxface?
Foxface dies because she ate Peeta's berries and they were poisonous.
Important Quotes
"no i did just notice about every girl, but none of them made a lasting impression but you."pg.304
"It's just... if we didn't win... I wanted Thresh to. Because he let me go. And because of Rue."pg.308
"nothing will change the fact that we've saved each other's lives in here."pg.311
"no, Peeta, she's your kill, not Cato's."pg.319

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chapter 22
1. How does Katniss compare Peeta to Gale?
katniss compares peeta to gale by how they are. katniss says that peeta doesn't question to much not like gale he questions everything.peeta follows more the rules and stuff but gale doesn't care he tirades against the capital
2. What happens with the weather?
the weather gets worse theirs thunder and raining. probably the gamemakers want to make it more herder for the tributes.
3. How does Katniss get the feast?
Katniss and Peeta get their feast by telling each other about their personal life. katniss' instincts tell her that Haymitch isn't looking for physical affection he wants something more personal so she asks peeta when did he start liking her. Peeta tells her that hes been liking her ever since the first day in school when they were five.
Important Quotes
 "i cant help, for a moment, comparing him with gale, who would see that field as a potential source of food as well as a threat."pg.296
"My instincts tell me Haymitch isn't just looking for physical affection, he wants something more personal"pg.300
"Because we're supposed to be marking up this stuff, playing at being in love not actually being in love."pg.301
"i guess Haymitch finally got tired of watching us starve."pg.302


Chapter 21
1. Who's the first to get their pack?
The fist person to their pack was Foxface. She thew darts and got her pack.
2. Who catches Katniss?
The tribute who catches Katniss is Clove. Katniss shoots an arrow at Clove that hits her upper left arm. Clove gets Katniss and cuts her right eyebrow witch sends her a gush running down her face and blinding her eye. 
3. Why does Thresh let Katniss go?
Thresh lets Katniss but only this one time. He lets go of her because Katniss helped Rue. Thresh and Rue are from the same district a.k.a. district 11. Thresh is glad that Katniss was helping Rue and also tacking care of her.
4. Why does Katniss think Cato will go after Thresh and not her?
Katniss thinks that Cato will go after Thresh not her because he killed Clove. Katniss had enough time to escape but Thresh didn't. Cato will probably go after Thresh then Katniss for killing Clove.
Important Quotes
"I'm always dreading over others, but maybe Foxface is the real opponent here."pg.283
"i will stare her down as long i can see, witch will probably not be an extended period of time, but i will stare her down, i will not cry out, i will die, in my own small way, undefeated."pg.286
"i understand that if Thresh wins, he'll have to go back and face a district that has already broken all the rules to thank me, and he is breaking the rules to thank me, too."pg.289
"My hand go to my head and then drop to my lap, slick with blood."pg.289

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chapter 20
1. What is Peeta's condition?
peeta's condition is getting better.well the wounds, the burns and the stings are showing improvement. the only bad part is that is leg got worse but theirs no more pus. peetas' leg's swelling has increased and the tight shinny skin has inflamed. peeta's leg has blood poisoning  :o he needs some kind of strong anti-infection drug from the capital.
2. How do the Gamemakers try to entice the tributes? What does Katniss think they have for her?
the gamemakers try to entice the tributes by telling them that in the cornucopia theirs gonna be something that tributes need really badly. katniss thinks that they have the medicine that she needs for peeta's leg.
3. What does Haymitch send Katniss? Why?
haymitch sends katniss some medicine for peeta. the medicine will help peeta recover and become to his normal self. 
Important Quotes
"I've made myself myself far more vulnerable than when i was alone"pg.263
"then i tend to his minor wounds, the burns, the stings are showing improvement."pg.265
"i wont die i promise. if you don't go."pg.275
"even as he fades away, i can see in his eyes that what I've done is unforgivable."pg.277

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chapter 19
1. How does Katniss find Peeta?
katniss finds peeta by following a the stream first she thinks that she's going the wrong way until she finds a bloody streak going down of a boulder. katniss sees that the blood is long dried and smearing lines like if they were tyring to wipe it away. katniss keeps on looking for him until she hears his voice.
2. What is Peeta's true talent?
peeta's true talent is to make himself camouflage. katniss tells him that all those hours of decorating cake paid off. he probably took private sessions to turn paint himself into a muddy bank full of weeds. 
3. How does Katniss treat Peeta's wound?
katniss first cleans his body and then cures him. katniss has to dig up the tracker jackers stingers and then applies the leaves that rue used on her.then katniss applies burn cream on his chest and then katniss feels that he hes fever and gives him pills that reduces temperature. katniss sees how bad the cut Cato left him and puts a handful of dried up leaves and the pus  begins to run down the side of his leg. 
4. Where do they hide out?
they hide out in a cave until peeta gets stronger and recovers. that's the best place they can hide because peeta  can really go far.
5. How and why do they get the pot of broth?
the pot of broth was sent down from the sky. i think they get the pot of broth cuz its good for you when your sick or have a fever.
Important Quotes 
" but whatever he's done in the arena, he must have the audience convinced it was to keep me alive."247-248
"peeta should have gone to a private session with the gamemakers and painted himself into a   tree."pg.252
"when peeta is able to stand, i half -guide,half-carry him up to the cave."pg.259
"he's dozed off again, but i kiss him awake, witch seems to startle him. then he smiles as if he'd be happy to lie their gazing at me forever."pg.261

Chapter 18
1. What does Katniss do for Rue?
katniss told rue to sing for her and she did well at least tried.katniss also told her that she will win for the both of them.
2. Who sponsors a gift for her? What is it?
rues sponsor gives katniss a gift. its the first time that a district gives a tribute gift that's not their own district. the gift is a small loaf of bread and it came from district 11.
3. How does Katniss' attitude change after Rue's death?
katniss attitude changes witch makes her wanting to kill the careers. she wants to kill them cuz she thinks that rue's death is all their fault.
4. What rule change do the Gamemakers announce?
the new rule that the gamemakers announce is that if both tributes from the same district will be declared winners. only if their the last two still alive.
Important Quotes
"the boy from district 1 dies before he can pull out the arrow drives deeply into the center of his neck."pg.233
"he hand reaches out and i clutch it like a lifeline. as if its me who's dying instead of rue. "pg.233
"now i am determined to avenge her, to make her loss unforgettable, and i can only do that by winning and making myself unforgettable."pg.242
"under the new rule, both tributes from the same district will be declared winners if they are the last two alive"pg.244
" before i can stop my self i call out peeta's name."pg.244

Friday, October 8, 2010

Chapter 17
1. What happens to Katniss in the explosion?
the explosion knocks katniss down.the explosions so loud that katniss cant hear anything for while. an acrid smoke fills the air witch is bad for katniss cuz she's still trying to regain the ability to breathe.
2. Why does Katniss leave the rendezvous point?
katniss leaves the rendezvous point cuz she knows that rue should've come back. katniss kind of wait for a while until she hears someone screaming. she hears and she knows its rue. rue starts yelling katniss's name. katniss goes and follows her yelling until she finds her.
3. What happens to Rue?
Rue dies cuz a spear enters her body. rue was first stuck on a net later katniss frees her :).when katniss was about to get her hand a spear enters her body:( 
Important Quotes 
"the impact with the hard-packed earth of the plain knocks the wind out of me."pg.222
"there's something about about that sly grin that makes me sure that being friends with foxface would immediately get me a knife in the back."pg.227
"the more time that passes, the less hopeful i am that this is an injury that will heal."pg.229
"she just had time to reach her hand through a mesh and says my name before a spear enters her body."pg.232

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chapter 16
1. What is Katniss' offensive attack?
katniss offensive attack is to do something with their supplies.
2. In what ways are the Careers at a disadvantage?
the careers are disadvantage is that they don't know how to be hungry and that they will starve to death if they don't have any food.
3. What important information does Rue provide?
the important information that rue gives katniss is her mocking jay symbol. she taught to katniss the one she indicates the day's work is done. 
4. What is Rue's favorite thing? How does this connect to Katniss?
rues favorite is to be with the mocking jay she even has like her own friends. katniss likes to be in the woods to just like rue cuz their both the biggest in their families their families depend on her.
5. Why can't Katniss get to the bounty of supplies? How is she able to destroy it?
katniss cant go to the bounty of supplies because its a trap. katniss is able to destroy the bounty of supplies by shooting three arrows at it.the first bow tears the side of the bag,the second, widens the gaping hole and the third catches the torn flap of and ripping from the bag.
Important Quotes 
"I'm distracted by my latest idea abut career and their supplies."pg.208
"i have to be cautious as i move along the water through, because i find my thoughts preoccupied with unanswered questions, most of witch concern peeta"pg. 215
"thereby protecting the supplies but ensuring the death of the invader."pg.219
"if i could only free the apples themselves....."pg.220

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chapter 15
1. Who forms an alliance with Katniss?
katniss performs alliance with rue. katniss feels bad for rue and she knows that she will probably wont survive cuz shes really small. so their both gonna team up and help each other.
2. How does this alliance benefit both parties?
this alliance benefits both of them they both cuz they can both help each other and make each others life more katniss can hunt for meat and rue can get berries or something. rue has given a lot of information about the other tributes and what has happened to them.also rue reminds katniss of prim so she want to be with her so she wont miss prim as much anymore.
3. What are some differences between District 11 and District 12?
in district 11 if you eat crops they will whip you and will make everyone else district 12 they don't really whip people the only punishment that's really in district 12 is the peace makers.
*Important Quotes* 
"...for some reason gale and peeta do not coexist well other in my thoughts."pg.197
"because she's a survivor, and i trust her, and why not admit it?she reminds me of prim."pg.201
"if he did, it was all probably just an know, to make people think he's in love with me."pg.206
 "i think were going to have to fix that, rue"pg.207