Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chapter 13
1. What new threat does Katniss face?
the new treat that katniss faces is fireballs. there not really big there a size of an apple but there really dangerous. they pack a tremendous power on contact.
2. How do the Game makers control the events of the Games?
the game makers control the games in a cool spotless room. they have triggers that can end any tributes life in seconds.
3. What slows Katniss down? 
what slows katniss down is the burn in her calf. katniss' calf is brilliant red covered with blisters. the burned area it's the size of her hand.
4. Who finds her?
the tribute who finds katniss is rue. rue was probably in the tree ever since katniss was there.
Important Quotes
"the triggers that could end my life in a second. all that is needed is a direct hit."pg.175
"the real sport of the hunger games is watching the tributes kill one another."pg.177
"if the careers want me, let them find me, i think before drifting into a stupor. let them find me."pg.180
"finally, i hear peeta say harshly, oh ,let her up there. it's not like shes going anywhere. well deal with her in the morning."pg.183

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