Friday, October 1, 2010

Chapter 11
1. What is the Cornucopia?
the cornucopia is a giant golden horn shaped like a cone with a curved tail, its the thing that will help the tributes survive in the arena.
2. How does Katniss make it into the woods? What weapons does she choose? Why?
katniss makes it to the woods by just finding a save spot to hide. katniss chooses the bow and arrow cuz that's the best the weapon she knows how to use. she knows that's like the only thing that can protect her.
3. Why is Katniss angry at the tribute who starts the fire? Who is hunting in the pack?
katniss is angry at the tribute who started the fire in the nightfall. katniss says that the person who started the fire must be the biggest idiot in the games.the tribute who is hunting in the pack is peeta.
Important Quotes
"i've seen her throw in training. she never misses. and I'm her next target."pg.150
"what i want most, right at this moment, is water. haymitch's directive to immediately find water was not arbitrary. i wont last without it." pg.153
"I'm relived peeta's still alive. i tell myself again that if i get killed, wining will benefit my mother and prim the most."pg.157
"i almost fall out of the tree. the voice belongs to peeta."pg.160

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