Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chapter 12

1. What is Katniss struggling to find?
katniss is struggling to find water. katniss is kind of upset because that's like the first thing that haymitch told them to find. if katniss doesn't get water soon she will die by dehydration.
2. In what ways is Katniss “playing the game”?
katniss is playing the game by hiding and trying to stay out of sight of the other tributes.
3. Why doesn’t Haymitch send Katniss water?
haymitch doesn't send water to katniss cuz he knows that shes already close to some what of  water source. katniss first thinks that haymitch doesn't want to send her any water cuz he doesn't like her. later, katniss doesn't believe that haymitch is tyring to kill her so she goes and keeps on hiking hoping to find water. katniss kept on trying and found a pond, haymitch was right he was never trying to kill her.
Important Quotes 
"his face was swollen with bruises, there's a bloody bandage on one arm, and from the sound of his gait he's limping somewhat."pg.161
"I'm glad for the cameras now. i want sponsors to see i can hunt, that I'm a good bet because i won't be lured into traps as easily as the others will by hunger."pg.164
"for her sake, I'll try to look as least desperate as i can"pg.169
"...i crawl through a tangle of plants into a pond."pg.170

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