Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chapter 14
1. Who helps Katniss escape from the Careers? How?
peeta helped katniss escape from the careers by telling them that they will deal with her tomorrow.so that she will have a chance to escape from them during the time their gone.
2. What does Haymitch send Katniss?
haymitch sends katniss some medicine to cure her calf. katniss feels that haymitch does really care for her and that he doesn't hate her as much as she thought he did.
3. What does Katniss get from Glimmer's body? Why is this so important to her?
katniss gets the bow and arrow from glimmer. its so important to katniss because bow and arrows are the best thing that she knows how to use.also she knows that she will have a better chance surviving with them.
4. What does Peeta do when he finds her?
peeta tells her to run cuz the tributes want to kill her cuz she threw the tracker jackers at them.
5. What are the effects of the tracker jacker stings on Katniss?
the affects of  the tracker jackers are that they left her poison witch makes katniss wobbly.
Important Quotes
"beter, i think, to sneak up here at dawn and send the nest into my enemies."pg.187
"the nest bursts open like an egg,and a ferocious swarm of trackers jackers takes to the air"pg.190
"they've come to kill me or get their weapons or both."pg.193
                                        "peeta mellark has just saved my life"pg.194                       

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